Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I'm drowning, and my legs are slowly getting tired from trying to rise to the surface. I try to scream for help but whenever i do, water gushes into my mouth and i sink more into the murky water...

In all the years of my existence, i never thought of myself as a strong being. I easily give up on things. I don't take criticisms lightly. I sulk in one corner whenever i hear people dislike me, or disapprove of the things that i do. But my life? It ain't bad. I have a fair share of bad times but most are good times. I'm not rich but my family loves me.. And spoiled me. I did not try hard to get good grades but i did well enough in school for my dad to be proud of me. I didn't get rebellious during my teenage years because for some reason, i value my morals more than anything, even at a young age. I was never bullied in school despite me being a nerd. Or being fat. I was never rejected by anybody, yet my greatest fear until today is that one thing I've never felt or faced head on before. REJECTION.

I'm a very shy person. I don't go out my way to greet somebody unless they greet me first. I'm a snob, perhaps, but if you look at it from my point of view, it's just my way of avoiding rejection. I honestly don't know what's with me, but my self esteem is very low. Most of the time, i do things not because i know I'm good at it, but because other people believe in me, and i probably would make them happy if i do that something for them (e.g. singing). In fact, I AM MY OWN SABOTEUR. I am very effective in discouraging myself in everything. I can scare myself like no other person can.. And it sucks.

They say one of the hardest battles one can have is a battle against himself. Another is a battle against his past. Ah hell. How about both at the same time?

I try hard everyday to avoid doing things that can make others despise me, hate me, say something against me. But today, i realized that no matter how hard i try, i can't do it. Because nobody could. Not even superman or any other person in the world, fictional or not. We are bound to do mistakes, or hurt somebody even if we don't intend to. It may be us, it may be that the person misinterpreted what we said, or it may be both.

I know. I cannot force others to like me. I can't be friends with everyone. I cant stop people from doing what they want to do, thinking how they want to think, or feeling what they want to feel. No matter how much i talk to explain things, no matter how much i try, it doesn't really matter.

Words are words. It's a language spoken by the mouth, not by the heart.

Monday, January 16, 2012

I love PHOTOGRAPHY... but not as much as before.

It's 5 in the morning right now, and damn, I still cannot sleep. Who knew 3 consecutive night shifts will ruin my already faulty body clock. Insomnia used to be my friend, though lately we've been having this love-hate relationship. But with my line of work, it's quite an advantage sometimes. =p

Okay, back to the topic. PHOTOGRAPHY.

A few years back, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, I really wanted to pursue this dream of becoming a photographer. I owned my first camera at the age of 3, wayyyy back when films are essential in taking pictures. I was very fascinated in capturing memories on film. Most especially preserving emotions thru photographs. I even considered taking a photography course in college before I ended up taking Nursing (which my family chose for me). I learned to love nursing, but somehow, the love for photography never went away.

I started to work in 2007, and since the pay in the Philippines is quite low, I didn't get the chance to get my own DSLR camera right away. Then in happened. Everybody suddenly had DSLRs in hand. People who were not interested in the art of taking pictures before started to take pictures. Everybody became a "pro". 

At first it was exciting, knowing that my dream is now within reach. But as time passed, all the hype made me lose my interest. I didn't push thru with getting that camera. I felt like I was robbed of my dreams. And until now I don't know why.

Sure I still take pictures. Sure I will still get a DSLR camera. Sure I'm still interested in becoming a photographer. But now? It's just not a priority.

Do dreams change? I don't know. Maybe they do when people do.