Recently, I read a blog post by a famous Singaporean blogger about a guy who kept insulting her on twitter. Apparently, this guy made up a hot Asian Japanese girlfriend, who in reality was a Korean celebrity of some sort. It was the best blog post I've read ever because it showcased girlpower, and I honestly think people like this loser guy needs to be taught a lesson. (And frankly speaking, I find him really stupid by using a Korean celebrity. Duh.)
Anyway, a few days after the post was made, the "cyber bullying" issue came up. At first I didn't really care because I'm not the one who created the post, and people are entitled to their own opinions right? But lately, as it appears more and more in my facebook wall, twitter, or whatever, I can't help but be irritated. Some criticized the writer, saying she's mean and that she shouldn't have done that. Some even called her a bitch, and said things like "what if the jerk does something to himself", etc. etc. If they post these things as their facebook statuses or twitter twits, I probably wouldn't care, but commenting directly on the links or the post itself? Stupid. They're just showing the world how much of a loser they are by saying those things.
Read and internalize.
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
- Winston Churchill
Read the blog post I was talking about [here].
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